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How Conscious Companies Can Build Clean Communities

How Conscious companies cuild clean communities with waste services by evergreen recycling 

recycling at evergreen

Without a doubt, most industrial business stakeholders aren’t just in it for the “quick buck.” Instead, they play the long game, utilizing recycling and the best waste services, aiming to build companies that stand the test of time.

The problem with most waste services companies is that they own landfills. So when businesses use their waste services, the trash is sent straight to landfills, which destroy local communities and increase the carbon footprint of businesses.

Instead, choose Evergreen Recycling for your waste services program. Why? Because Evergreen Recycling pulls out recyclables from your waste and properly disposes of your trash – which reduces the carbon footprint of businesses, and builds cleaner communities throughout Fort Worth and Waco, Texas.

Visionary businesses operate as ‘conscious’ companies. The word ‘conscious,’ suggests the adoption of sustainable practices that are environmentally friendly. This involves taking a more holistic approach to doing business, instead of a tunnel vision approach that only sees bottom line profits to the detriment of all else.

The bigger a business grows, the more resources it uses, the larger carbon footprint may leave, and the greater its need for waste services that help reduce that carbon footprint. This is why conscious companies adopt practices that replenish the resources they use and keep their practices clean.

The good news is that doing business this way has a host of benefits that ultimately bolster the bottom line in the long run. Recycling and waste services that don’t enlarge landfills deliver many benefits that you can read in a recent publication.

In short, conscious companies find that they can cut costs, reduce liability, and build brands that win the admiration and loyalty of the audiences and communities they serve with smart waste elimination and sustainability programs. Businesses that chase the quick buck fail to operate in clean and sustainable ways.

There is a better way!

talk with a consultant about evergreen recycling's commercial waste and recycling services today!

Conscious companies prioritize ecological sustainability, green waste services, and ethical considerations in their operations. While it does take work, any company can start implementing many practices that help clean the communities they live and operate in.

Here are three of the top strategies you should consider when building your own list of green waste services and practices.

Implement sustainable waste services & recycling practices

Adopting eco-friendly production processes and materials is an important practice for green companies to consider. An article written on The Understory reports an estimate of 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees being cut down each year. This article was published in 2017 and with the world population continuing to grow rapidly, it’s logical to think that these numbers are increasing.

This is the definition of deforestation, which has many negative effects. Deforestation destroys biodiversity by killing off entire species of animal life, accelerating the issue of climate change, and violating the human and land rights of indigenous people who depend on those forests for sustenance. Waste services that recycle paper, cardboard, plastic, and other recyclable products could significantly reduce this problem.

Companies can also reduce waste by implementing lean manufacturing principles. One of the big problems happening right now that proves the need for better waste management is the continued pollution of fisheries around the world. It’s critical for our lakes, rivers, and oceans to be free from pollution if we hope to have healthy fish to eat a few decades from now.

Still, toxic plastic waste, chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and other harmful waste end up in these bodies of water. Marine life consumes this waste, and a host of problems unfold in this toxic cycle. Good waste management companies help to mitigate this vicious cycle.

In an article published on the Plastic Pollution Coalition website, Dr. Matt Landos made an eye-opening statement. He said,

“Many people think fish declines are just the result of overfishing. In fact, the entire aquatic food web has been seriously compromised, with fewer and fewer fish at the top, losses of invertebrates in the sediments and water column, less healthy marine algae, coral, and other habitats, as well as a proliferation of bacteria and toxic algal blooms. Chemical pollution, along with climate change, itself a pollution consequence, are the chief reasons for these losses.”

Circular economy practices

One growing trend in healthy waste service programs is circular recycling. This is the practice of designing products for longevity and ease of recycling. This practice is being adopted by a growing number of large corporations.

Various industries are shifting their focus towards sustainability and anti-landfill waste services, with a significant number of consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) companies pledging to introduce more environmentally friendly products, influencing the consumption patterns of commonly used plastic items.

This push for industrial recycling extends to a range of products, including bottles, caps, meal trays, and flexible film wrap. The demand for circular polymers, essential for sustainable practices, is experiencing rapid growth. However, announcements regarding production capacity fail to keep pace with this escalating demand.

The momentum for recycled plastics is building, as more than 80 global CPG, packaging, and retail companies have committed to incorporating 15 to 50 percent recycled content in their packaging by the year 2025. This signifies a significant commitment to advancing sustainable practices within the commercial sector.

Properly disposing of commercial waste and recycling is a vital part of this process, offering take-back programs for used products to ensure responsible disposal. Another key factor is doing business without the waste of vital resources. That’s what makes renewable energy sources to power operations so effective.

Talk with a consultant abour evergreen recycling's commercial waste and recycling services today!

evergreen recycling offers waste services

Using Evergreen Recycling for your commercial waste management program ensures that recycled materials like paper, plastic, glass, and electronics are properly disposed of.  

When you choose Evergreen Recycling, you don’t have to try to build your recycling and waste management program alone. Evergreen Recycling will come out to your location and conduct an on-site audit of your operation and build a waste services and recycling program from the bottom up! We will then build a customized program that’s tailor-made for your company and that delivers a profitable return for your recycled waste.

What we have found is that when companies recycle and manage waste through Evergreen Recycling, their whole team enjoys the process and feels good about participating in the work. Corporate leadership finds that they get more loyalty from within their organization, their target audiences, and the communities in which they live.

Overall, an environmentally friendly company takes a holistic approach to business operations, considering not only its economic success but also its social and environmental responsibilities. These companies strive to balance profit-making with a commitment to preserving the planet and fostering a sustainable future. In the long run, this is the winning formula for a profitable company that’s built to last.

Talk with a consultant abour evergreen recycling's commercial waste and recycling services today!

To learn more about Evergreen Recycling and their recycling and waste management programs visit their web site at: Evergreen Web Site 

You can also reach out to them directly through this contact link: Contact Evergreen or give them a call at (817) 293-4400


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