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Companies and Services That Make Up Evergreen Recycling


If service was a red carpet, Evergreen Recycling is rolling it out for all of their clients.  From the humble beginnings in 1996, as Evergreen Paper Recycling we like to think that we have been instrumental in raising the bar for the whole regional recycling industry.  Driven by the desire to stop feeding our trash to landfills and helping to build the circular economy, one of our key motivators is the delight we get from opening the eyes of our customers as to the possibilities.

The Evergreen Process

  “Commitment to our customers is our number one priority”, says Kendal Hobby of Evergreen Recycling. That commitment is backed up by listening to our customer needs and helping them maximize the value of the waste streams that their business produces.



If you want to get started, just give us a call.  We’ll get you straight to a person who can give you answers to your questions and set up an audit.  As part of our commitment we provide a free waste audit at your facility.  We start working for you from the very first meeting. We’ll start by looking at your waste streams. What’s going to landfill, what’s being recycled and what are your company goals? Based on what we find and what equipment you may already have on site, we put together a program to get you where you want to go.  Sending waste directly to the landfill is just a straight expense, but putting some effort into recycling what you can, may turn that same waste into a monthly check depending on your situation.  As a minimum we can usually make it at least a break even proposition if not an outright payback.


Depending on your location, the waste streams you are currently dealing with, both in type and quantity we have a variety of options to offer.  Most companies that handle recycling in bulk prefer to have waste in as compact a form as possible.  We can help with access to compactors, shredders, balers (and baling wire) as well as bins for sorting various wastes. This ensures more value per load, just due to the higher density loading. It also reduces the number of trips per year that are needed, saving transportation costs. Certain types of waste might require shredders or chippers and we can provide for those as well.  Timing can be an important issue depending on how much flow you have and what type. We try to make sure you are fully prepared, trained and able to execute on your waste management plan as easily as possible.


A lot of customers come to us with an overwhelming overflow of trash and they don’t really know what to do but haul it away.  That’s when we get a phone call for trash pickup. Once we get that call, we’ll be there within 24 hours to pick up your trash.  We can take care of your immediate problem, but would really like to work with you to avoid these sort of emergency situations and help you build a longer term management of your waste issues, whether its paper, plastic or something else. That’s where we really dig in during an audit and see how we can help you make the most out of your situation.  We truly listen to your needs and understand how to take you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow and into the future.  If you win, then we all win.


It’s an old saying, but it’s true. When it comes to accountability, we believe in total transparency with our customers.  We produce a report once a month, checking our progress as a team against the plan we worked out together with you.  You have questions.  You want to know if you are getting the benefit that you expected. Are you in control of your recycling situation, and are you getting the payback you expected?  To track progress we use a monthly volume report for all of our customers.  This shows all of the flows of the waste streams and their value. We can also produce daily, weekly, quarterly or yearly reports depending on the level of monitoring that your require. Situations can change and we can make adjustments to the plan as we go.  The goal is always to keep as much stuff as possible out of landfills and put as much recyclable material as possible back into use.  At the same time this returns the value of your recyclables to you on a regular monthly basis. All it takes is a phone call to start the process today.

To learn more about Evergreen Recycling and their recycling and waste management programs visit their web site at: Evergreen Web Site 

You can also reach out to them directly through this contact link: Contact Evergreen or give them a call at (817) 293-4400


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