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Evergreen and Sunbright are best known as a recycling company, but we also handle most regular waste disposal services as well.  This service began in Waco, Texas when we became aware that there seemed to be a lack of reliable companies that could provide regular waste disposal services.  To fill the need, Sunbright Paper recycling decided to branch out under the name of Sunbright Disposal Services.  In response to the market needs for timely response, we dedicated ourselves to reaching the customer’s pickup site within 24 hours of that initial call for service. The success of our quick response times has allowed us to expand. In the Dallas / Fort Worth area this disposal service is known as Evergreen Disposal Services. Both companies are under the umbrella of Evergreen Recycling.

Disposal services are in addition to our core value services, which are to help our customers recycle more and throw-away less. For a variety of reasons, it is not always practical to recycle cost-effectively. For example it may take several small, unsorted loads of commercial waste to fill a single large truck. The client may not have the space to store a truckload of commercial waste, so they need a pick-up immediately.  We understand that, especially for smaller companies, this can be a significant issue. We’ll work with your needs, review your waste streams and set up a service schedule that works for you.


In our experience, the content of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) often contains a substantial percentage by volume of recyclable content. However, the benefit of sorting the waste stream, versus a trip to the landfill is not always evident.  Evergreen is happy to take on new clients that require disposal services.  At the same time, it is easy to sit down with one of our representatives and take a look at how your MSW is handled today.  We can take a closer look and let you know what is possible.  Certainly, haulage and disposal is straightforward, though it is an ongoing expense.  On the other hand most communities have built up their recycling infrastructure over the years and that infrastructure requires a steady stream of scrap paper, cardboard and certain plastics and other recyclables to keep operating.  The bottom line is that while disposal is an expense, recycling may actually become a revenue stream.


When commercial waste is not sorted for recycling it usually is routed directly to either a transfer station or a landfill.  At a transfer station, the waste stream is sorted as efficiently as possible into four categories: recyclable content; hazardous waste; burnables (sometime using waste heat to generate electricity); and then the balance goes to the landfill.  If the commercial waste arrives pre-sorted that saves the transfer station the effort and sorted waste has value as a commodity.  Twenty tons of baled cardboard for example is worth about $25,000.  If you are throwing away a lot of cardboard each month it just might be worthwhile to spend some time sorting and baling it.  Give us a call at Evergreen Recycling and we can help show you the business case of your options.


Before we understood the environmental impact of landfills very well, it was the natural thing to just bury our trash and cover it over with dirt. In more recent years, we’ve understood that landfills, as they age may produce hazardous leachant (liquid) that can contaminate groundwater.  Large landfills are full of organic material that decomposes to create methane, another powerful greenhouse gas.  Our more informed view of landfills is different today than it was 20 years ago. Landfills are being viewed more as a source of valuable, mixed, recoverable material. Construction materials; wood and metal are potentially recoverable. Often the aluminum concentration exceeds the concentrations of a surface mine of aluminum ore. This makes the economic recovery of aluminum very feasible. Glass, paper product, waste food all have value as post-consumer waste.  Clean clear glass is basically infinitely recyclable; fibrous papers, and cardboard can be recycled about six to eight time and even then it can be pressed into egg cartons or formed cushioning for packages.  In short, a whole secondary industry of reclaiming landfills has sprung up over the last 20 or so years.  The trend is to reclaim these landfill areas.  This changes the economies favoring recycling over landfilling.


We started this article talking about the need for disposal services.  And that is a real need and a valuable service that Sunbright/Evergreen Disposal Services is happy to provide.  But while we’re helping with your immediate needs we’d love the chance to sit down together and help develop a management plan for your typical commercial waste.  We’ve been very successful in reducing the cost of disposal and/or offsetting that cost with a revenue stream from recycling.  The conversation is free and the potential benefit could last for generations.

To learn more about Evergreen Recycling and their recycling and waste management programs visit their web site at: Evergreen Web Site 

You can also reach out to them directly through this contact link: Contact Evergreen or give them a call at (817) 293-4400


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